Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Karuizawa Junior High School Culture Exchange

IAK members are invited to Karuizawa Junior High School where 3rd year students wish to study about international exchange and co-habitation with foreigners for multi-cultural experience.

The third year students of the school study ecological preservation, volunteer activity, the Red Cross and donation culture, traditional culture and international exchange, by inviting local people who can stimulate the students in these study fields.

IAK members will participate with the international exchange study group of 12 students.

Date and time: from 8:15AM to 12:00PM on Wednesday, October 14th, 2015, 
Venue: Karuizawa Junior High School
Planned activities:
  • Introduction of IAK
  • Introduction of daily basic words of the native countries of the participating members, such as words of greetings, counting numbers or names of things
  • Introduction of the different cultures, such as food, clothing or religion
  • Workshop on how to collaborate with the foreigners to make this town better to live together
IAK members, Japanese and foreigners, who are interested in this cooperative activity, please contact (email: mktakaishi@nifty.com) by 2nd October.

Thanks for your cooperation, in advance.
IAK Vice Chairman